Triazole seed disinfectantIpconazole
A reliable seed disinfectant for farmers
Ipconazole is a triazole fungicide invented by Kureha that is widely used for seeオンライン ポーカー 違法reatment. Even at low dosages, it is highly effective against seed-borne and soil-borne diseases. In Japan, Ipconazole has since 1994 been sold as a seeオンライン ポーカー 違法reatment fungicide active ingredient for rice under the brand name Techlead-C Flowable by Zen-Noh (the National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations) and Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., and holds a leading market share in that sector. Overseas, Ipconazole is widely used in Europe, North America, Central and South America, and Asia as a seeオンライン ポーカー 違法reatment fungicide active ingredient for such crops as corn, cereals, and soybeans.
Seeオンライン ポーカー 違法reatment is drawing attention as an environment-friendly methoオンライン ポーカー 違法o protect crops, and is expecteオンライン ポーカー 違法o be more widely used in overseas markets in the future.
- Top market share in Japan as a rice seeオンライン ポーカー 違法reatment fungicide
- Highly effective against a variety of diseases affecting the seeds of crops such as rice, corn, wheat varieties, soybean, cotton and rapeseed
- Excellent plant safety, is applicable to a wide range of crops
Structural formula
Structural formula
Application / Scope
Agricultural and horticultural fungicide, used as a seeオンライン ポーカー 違法reatment fungicide
- Rice: Bakanae disease, rice blast, etc.
- Corn: Damping-off, smut, etc.
- Wheat varieties: Smut, etc.
The Ipconazole Story
- 1986
- Kureha discovers Ipconazole and identified properties ideal for seed disinfection.
- March. 2000
- Pesticide Science Society of Japan presents Kureha with a technical achievement award for the development of Ipconazole and Metconazole.
Contact for inquiries
- TEL:+81-3-3249-4722
- FAX:+81-3-3249-4725
- ポーカー の ルール Sustainability
- ポーカー レイズ and Social Issues
Advanced Materials
Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
- Polyphenylene
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
- KF Polymer
- KF Piezo
Carbon Products
- Pitch-based carbon
Polyglycolic acid (PGA)
- Kuredux
- Thermo expandable microcapsulesテキサス
ポーカー ゲーム アプリ treatment
- レイズ ポーカー Sustainability
- ポーカー 確率 Series
- Ipconazole
Industrial Chemicals
- テキサス ホールデム ポーカー Group
- ポーカー ダイス Information
Commercial-use レイズ
Household Products
- Household wrapポーカー
- カジノ ポーカー ルール Index,ESG
Commercial-use food packaging materials
Polyvinylidene chloride
Kureha Auto Packer (KAP)
Fishing Lines
- Helping to build a better society