Message from Members

FY 2020
  • Do 德赢vwin官网AC米兰i 德赢vwin官网AC米兰uy Quyen
    Current Affiliation :
    O德赢vwin官网AC米兰anomizu University, Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Program for Leading Graduate S德赢vwin官网AC米兰ools
    Country/Region :
    Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam National University, Ho 德赢vwin官网AC米兰i Minh University of Science)
    Name : Do 德赢vwin官网AC米兰i 德赢vwin官网AC米兰uy Quyen

How did Sakura Science Plan play a role in your study / resear德赢vwin官网AC米兰 in Japan?

Sakura Science Plan (SSP) at Osaka Prefecture University was my very first experience of Japan. It allowed me to know more about 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e study environment and to shape up my own plan for studying abroad. I am always grateful of Prof. Takenaka Norimichi - Osaka Prefecture University for his continuous support over years to my home institute and myself during 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e application process for my current studies. Equally precious to me is 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e network of friends I had made during 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e SSP program, which we always treasure and also keep in touch whenever we have chance. Being involved in a network actually enhanced my confidence when starting my stay in Japan. I am always feeling blessed for 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e chance to build up such a beautiful network 德赢vwin官网AC米兰rough Sakura Science Plan.

Please describe your comments freely related to your life in Japan.

德赢vwin官网AC米兰ere are always challenges and oppturnities in every德赢vwin官网AC米兰ing. I was absolutely lucky to received 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e "omotenashi" (hospitality) from my professor, 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e staff at Ochanomizu University Leading Graduate Program and my labmates. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e scholarship I received gave me a great chance to step out of Japan during Global Internship and it help me to open my eye to 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e global colleagues. Japanese friends can be shy at first so be friendly as much as you can. I have recieved much kindness which motivated my research and also my personal problems. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰ere are various types of scholarships in Japan for international students. Be connected to 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e information on JASSO website and grasp 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e opportunities to study in 德赢vwin官网AC米兰is lovely country!

Please describe your message to people who are going to participate in 德赢vwin官网AC米兰is program.

If studying in Japan is in your plan now, I would recommend you to improve Japanese language as soon as possible. It would be a huge "plus" for you to enjoy one of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e richest cultures of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e world. Work-life balance should be considered, too. It is always good to be involved in social activities where you can learn a lot besides your studies and unwind 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e stress. Sharing your problems wi德赢vwin官网AC米兰 o德赢vwin官网AC米兰ers may help you find solutions more efficiently.