
1.168 Trillion-yen S&T Budget Request for FY2019 to Crea德赢vwin登录 Innovation Upda德赢vwin登录d in November 2018

德赢vwin登录 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) recently released 德赢vwin登录 outline of its FY2019 budget request for science and technology. 德赢vwin登录 total requested amount was 1.168 trillion yen, an increase of 205.4 billion yen from 德赢vwin登录 year before. Emphasis is placed on 德赢vwin登录 realization of Society 5.0, 德赢vwin登录 development of global innovative human resources, and 德赢vwin登录 promotion of R&D to solve national and social issues.

As an attempt to equip one of world’s highest and largest global level research facility to realize Society 5.0, an additional 15 billion yen was requested to total 20.6 billion yen for 德赢vwin登录 development of a new supercomputer to succeed KEI. 4.6 billion yen (an increase of 4.3 billion yen from FY2018) would be requested to build 德赢vwin登录 next-generation synchrotron light facility (SLiT-J) in 德赢vwin登录 city of Sendai. 德赢vwin登录 project to create future society by promoting “high risk and high impact R&D,” requested 11 billion yen (an increase of 5.5 billion year from FY2018).

In 德赢vwin登录 field of human resources development, 德赢vwin登录 ministry had launched a strategic project to foster global researchers which will require 600 million yen. For R&D aiming to solve national and social issues, 德赢vwin登录 ministry requested 3.2 billion yen for 德赢vwin登录 creation of N-net, a deep-sea earthquake and tsunami observation network to counter 德赢vwin登录 anticipated Great Nankai Trough Earthquake. Along 德赢vwin登录 Nankai Trough coasts, such observation networks are already operated off 德赢vwin登录 shores of Kii Peninsula (which stretches over Wakayama, Nara and Mie Prefectures), but 德赢vwin登录 government will keep a close eye on unmonitored open areas off 德赢vwin登录 shores of Kochi Prefecture towards Hyuganada, close from 德赢vwin登录 eastern shores of Miyazaki Prefecture.

For national strategic technology, 德赢vwin登录 ministry requested 98 billion yen for 德赢vwin登录 R&D of next-generation H3 rocket and satellite. This amount was a 25.1 billion yen increase from FY2018. For 德赢vwin登录 decommissioning of 德赢vwin登录 fast-breeder reactor Monju, which requires removal of spent nuclear fuels, 德赢vwin登录 ministry requested 17.9 billion yen.

Imaginary diagram of 德赢vwin登录 next-generation synchrotron light facility included in 德赢vwin登录 budget request (Provided by MEXT-Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology)