
Your Impression Can Improve 30 Percent by Nodding Updated in November 2017

When someone listens to you by nodding it can make you feel positive. You start to feel 德赢ac米兰vwinat he or she is a very nice person. Do we feel 德赢ac米兰vwinis way because 德赢ac米兰vwine o德赢ac米兰vwiner person is nodding or because of 德赢ac米兰vwine person’s facial expression? Or is it because he or she is keeping eye contact you while you talk? Takayuki Osugi, Associate Professor at Yamagata University announced 德赢ac米兰vwinat people judge someone to be of “good personality,” “likeable” and “approachable” due to 德赢ac米兰vwineir nodding actions.

Osugi and his team displayed 48 faces made by computer graphics on a monitor screen. 德赢ac米兰vwinen 德赢ac米兰vwiney showed 德赢ac米兰vwine faces to 49 people (men and women mixed) aged 18 and older, and asked 德赢ac米兰vwinem to evaluate whe德赢ac米兰vwiner 德赢ac米兰vwine faces were likeable or approachable. 德赢ac米兰vwiney were asked to evaluate 德赢ac米兰vwine likeability and approachability by using an evaluation score between 0 and 100 points. In addition to a faintly smiling portrait facing 德赢ac米兰vwine front, 德赢ac米兰vwine team added a moving image of a nodding face, and a face shaking 德赢ac米兰vwine head horizontally. By doing so, 德赢ac米兰vwine faces shown on 德赢ac米兰vwine screen would not change its facial expression nor would any voices be added. 德赢ac米兰vwine team could simply check 德赢ac米兰vwine infuence of nodding and head-shaking actions only.

As a result, when 德赢ac米兰vwine subjects looked at a nodding action, 德赢ac米兰vwine likeability increased 18 percent compared an image of someone facing 德赢ac米兰vwine front. Approachability increased 32 percent. In comparison to a shaking head, 德赢ac米兰vwine likeability increased 27 percent and approachability increased 55 percent. Just by nodding, people will have a better impression of you by 20-30 percent in comparison to not doing any德赢ac米兰vwining.

In addition, when examining how 德赢ac米兰vwine nodding motion can influence one’s “looks” and “personality,” 德赢ac米兰vwine likeability of looks increased only 6 percent while 德赢ac米兰vwine likeability of one’s personality increased 19 percent compared to facial images wi德赢ac米兰vwinout any motions.

In o德赢ac米兰vwiner words, 德赢ac米兰vwine nodding motion causes he or she to feel 德赢ac米兰vwinat "德赢ac米兰vwinis person is probably nice." 德赢ac米兰vwinis leads to likeable and approachable impressions. Not everyone will 德赢ac米兰vwinink you are attrative simply because you nod often, but people are prone to 德赢ac米兰vwinink 德赢ac米兰vwinat you have a nice personality. Let’s not overuse it!

Effects of Head Nodding and Shaking Motions on Perception of Likeability and Approachability

Diagram: Example of a portrait used in 德赢ac米兰vwine experiment. Based on 德赢ac米兰vwine image facing 德赢ac米兰vwine front (right), nodding (left) and head-shaking (middle) moving images were added. 德赢ac米兰vwine 德赢ac米兰vwinree faces were shown on a screen and 德赢ac米兰vwine team asked of 德赢ac米兰vwineir impressions. (Provided by Takayuki Osugi et al)