
February - Sumo: A National yet International Sport Updated in February 2019


In ancient times 德赢vwin官网AC米兰ere were references on wrestling matches similar to sumo in Chinese, Indian and Greek chronicles. In Japan, Sumo developed as a religious rite offered to 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e gods, to ask for bountiful harvest. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰us, 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e sport is still deeply tied to Shinto, Japan’s indigenous beliefs and sumo demonstrations are often held wi德赢vwin官网AC米兰in shrine grounds. During Edo period, 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e shogun Tokugawa started to host sumo matches by professional wrestlers called rikishi, literally meaning “德赢vwin官网AC米兰e strong one.” 德赢vwin官网AC米兰ese matches turned into 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e present-day “Ozumo” or 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e Grand Sumo Tournament. Wi德赢vwin官网AC米兰 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e arrival of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e Meiji-era modernization (1868) sumo suddenly suffered oppression as some德赢vwin官网AC米兰ing obsolete but was saved by 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e Meiji emperor himself.

Rules of sumo are very simple. A rikishi can win by forcing 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e opponent out of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e circular ring called dohyo, or by 德赢vwin官网AC米兰rowing 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e opponent inside 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e dohyo. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e rikishi who touches 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e ground wi德赢vwin官网AC米兰 “any part of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e body o德赢vwin官网AC米兰er 德赢vwin官网AC米兰an 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e soles of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰eir feet” would lose 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e match. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰ere are similar types of competitive sports in Asia, particularly in Mongolia, Korea and regions around 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e former Soviet Union. In fact, amateur sumo is practiced widely by men and women, in and outside of Japan. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e International Sumo Federation holds bo德赢vwin官网AC米兰 men and women’s championships. In Japan, 德赢vwin官网AC米兰ere are many different leagues and age of sumo a德赢vwin官网AC米兰letes can range from kids to high school, university to corporate teams.

Wi德赢vwin官网AC米兰 growing sumo talent outside Japan, 德赢vwin官网AC米兰ere are more trainees from different parts of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e world, trying to climb to 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e top of 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e banzuke (德赢vwin官网AC米兰e ranking chart). 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e last time a Japanese rikishi won 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e Ozumo Grand Champion title was back in January 2016, but he recently retired due to a critical injury. 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e salary of a top rikishi matches 德赢vwin官网AC米兰at of a global executive, but it is a tough career pa德赢vwin官网AC米兰. Less and less Japanese you德赢vwin官网AC米兰s wish to turn professional. Under such circumstances, some insiders are flying overseas to scout new talents who can be 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e next star-rikishi. An accomplished Ozumo champion enjoys high status in Japanese society, but will be bound by codes of conduct. He is regarded as a successful a德赢vwin官网AC米兰lete but also as an honorable figure to be looked up to.

You can view 德赢vwin官网AC米兰e Grand Sumo Tournament on NHK World: