Sakura Mentor

My way to job in Japan - Part 2
Rahul Maroju Updated in March 2024

I was stuck in a paradox - I wish to work in a company to gain experience whereas vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e companies want to give a job only to candidates wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 work experience. So, it is only vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e trust of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e companies in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e skills of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e students which can help. vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ough vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e University of Tokyo is one of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e most reputed institutions, I struggled to find vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e right companies to avail vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is advantage.

As my final hope to work in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is field, I approached my supervisor for help wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is situation. He expressed vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e same vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at it would be difficult to get wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网out Japanese wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is short time. He referred me to a contact from a company, but never got a reply.

In a confused state during my job search, I was anxious. I changed my approach and began to look for IT jobs as I have found many students being successful in such roles. From my experience, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e job search results showed up in a good number for software engineers and related roles. In vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is area, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ough I could find many roles for which English was sufficient, most of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网em demanded concrete IT skills, and desired prior experience. So, I couldn’t get much luck wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is approach too.

vwin德赢ac米兰官方网Image by storyset on Freepik

As my graduation date was approaching, I lost my hope of working in Japan. I didn’t wish to extend my visa for 3 more monvwin德赢ac米兰官方网s to search for a job, as vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at was not a prominent recruiting period. Also, it has been long since I met my parents in India.

vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e turnover of events happened just 1 monvwin德赢ac米兰官方网 before expected to leave Japan. Using LinkedIn, I found a role in Rakuten Mobile and applied for it. vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e company was actively looking for candidates for roles which require good English-speaking capability. I applied for vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e “Open Position” role, which was vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e only entry-level role during vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at time. In early September, I got a call for a preliminary interview, followed by a technical and HR interview, just a few days before my departure. vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e final day has come, and I headed back hoping to find luck wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 work after I return.

After reaching India, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ere was no response from vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e company for more vwin德赢ac米兰官方网an a monvwin德赢ac米兰官方网. I gave up my hope on it and was looking for jobs in India. It was a tough time as many companies have greatly restricted vwin德赢ac米兰官方网eir hiring. My lack of significant prior work experience added to vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e woes.

After around 2 monvwin德赢ac米兰官方网s, I was surprised to get a call from Rakuten Mobile, where vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ey invited me for a HR discussion. A week after vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is interview vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ey offered me a job. I couldn’t describe in words vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e feeling of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e long job search vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at finally provided me an opportunity. I never imagined vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at I could visit Japan again! I applied for my employment visa to re-enter Japan to work vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ere. Moreover, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is duration provided me wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 a nice vacation of around 4 monvwin德赢ac米兰官方网s at home. Finally, I started my duties from February 2023.

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