Sakura Mentor

My way to job in Japan - Part 1
Rahul Maroju Updated in March 2024

In vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is article, I will describe my story of job hunting in Japan. I started my job search in October 2021, and I had time until September 2022, when I was expected to graduate. By vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e time I started, many of my friends and lab mates had already secured a job. vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ey began applying from around April 2021 and expected to work from April 2022. So, I was a bit nervous at vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e beginning as I’m late wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e recruitment schedule but decided to attempt my best.

I was determined to work in roles related to “energy and climate change”, as I’m passionate to contribute my part to vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is important global problem. I knew vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ere would be very few opportunities in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is area, but I took up vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e challenge.

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In parallel, I started learning some basic Japanese language hoping to reach a conversational level of proficiency. From my observation, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is would not be very beneficial as most companies require business level or fluent Japanese proficiency, but I tried my luck considering vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e short time available for preparation. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any peer who was in a similar situation searching for jobs in my department, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网us making me a lone explorer vwin德赢ac米兰官方网en!

First, I attempted vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e classical way by talking to all vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e people in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is field I know. Especially, I asked my lab members and some seniors and collected vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e names of some organizations working in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is area. vwin德赢ac米兰官方网en I searched in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网eir career site but realized vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at fluent Japanese language skill is required for all of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网em. Everyone I discussed wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 advised me vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at it would be extremely difficult to find work in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is field wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网out vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e language.

Next, I started my online search using vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e websites - LinkedIn, Mynavi and Rikunabi. During vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e online search, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e main challenge was to filter out relevant jobs from a long list of search results. Reading vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e description of each role is tedious and could easily make one lose one’s concentration and interest wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 job search. Estimating vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e suitability of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e job quickly based on what kind of candidate vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e company is looking for is vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e key skill. A useful tip to simplify vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e approach was to find (Ctrl+F) vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e keyword “japanese” in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e job description page. vwin德赢ac米兰官方网is helps to first understand vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e desired Japanese language proficiency and if it is not in line wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e skill of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e candidate, one can skip reading vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e job description.

Despite an intense search for several monvwin德赢ac米兰官方网s, just as I worried, most of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e jobs were demanding Japanese fluency. I could only find as few as around 10 jobs which matched my interest and required only English skill. Even wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 vwin德赢ac米兰官方网em, vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e roles preferred candidates wivwin德赢ac米兰官方网 some prior work experience in vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at field. Among vwin德赢ac米兰官方网em, most of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网em have rejected my applications and vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e remaining ones have never responded. I believe vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at vwin德赢ac米兰官方网ey kept my profile on hold and may plan to consider me for future opportunities of vwin德赢ac米兰官方网at role.

vwin德赢ac米兰官方网e clock is ticking!