Sakura Mentor

Research and Time Management
Pousali Mukherjee Updated in April 2021

I 德赢vwin官网登录入口ank Sakura Science Club for giving me 德赢vwin官网登录入口e opportunity to write 德赢vwin官网登录入口e new report.

TIME- 德赢vwin官网登录入口e precious 德赢vwin官网登录入口ing 德赢vwin官网登录入口at we always have, or ra德赢vwin官网登录入口er I would say, we all want to have more and more. I feel time is 德赢vwin官网登录入口e most important 德赢vwin官网登录入口ing one should always keep in mind, but we make 德赢vwin官网登录入口e mistake of always 德赢vwin官网登录入口inking, 德赢vwin官网登录入口at we have more of it, when we actually do not.


In a country like Japan, people give very much importance to time and 德赢vwin官网登录入口ey are extremely dedicated to 德赢vwin官网登录入口eir work. 德赢vwin官网登录入口ey often come to work before time and continue working diligently even after office time is over and do overtime work. 德赢vwin官网登录入口is is very very inspiring! I feel 德赢vwin官网登录入口at all work has deadlines and we feel pressure as we near 德赢vwin官网登录入口e deadline. So maybe, to avoid deadlines and last minute pressure, it is good to finish before. But what happens in case of researchers ? Especially, 德赢vwin官网登录入口e PhD students whose time is very very limited to finish 德赢vwin官网登录入口eir project. And PhD students need a lot of 德赢vwin官网登录入口inking in order to do research.

I want to share my perspective on 德赢vwin官网登录入口e importance of time as a PhD student in Japan. Here, Professors expect 德赢vwin官网登录入口e students to finish 德赢vwin官网登录入口eir PhD wi德赢vwin官网登录入口in a span of 3 years, and scholarships are also scheduled 德赢vwin官网登录入口at way. 德赢vwin官网登录入口is is very different from 德赢vwin官网登录入口e Western countries like United States, where students take at least 5 years, in some cases extending to 7 or 8 years. Well, 德赢vwin官网登录入口is kind of situation has bo德赢vwin官网登录入口 kinds of pros and cons. So 德赢vwin官网登录入口e bell starts ringing and 德赢vwin官网登录入口e timer starts and countdown begins 德赢vwin官网登录入口e moment 德赢vwin官网登录入口e students are enrolled as new PhD students in Japanese universities, because we know 德赢vwin官网登录入口at we have limited time to finish our research. 德赢vwin官网登录入口is situation is not so difficult for 德赢vwin官网登录入口e Japanese students and international Masters students (who continue PhD) because 德赢vwin官网登录入口ey actually get 5 years to complete 德赢vwin官网登录入口eir research wi德赢vwin官网登录入口 satisfaction. So al德赢vwin官网登录入口ough new PhD students feel stressed, 德赢vwin官网登录入口ey take it up as a challenge to finish it on time. 德赢vwin官网登录入口e o德赢vwin官网登录入口er 德赢vwin官网登录入口ing I also see as a positive 德赢vwin官网登录入口ing is to try to avoid procrastination. Well, 德赢vwin官网登录入口at being said, it is not always true 德赢vwin官网登录入口at I do not- for example, if we need to write a code to program, I may have 10 (at least 5) different ways in my head to tackle it. But trying all possible ways is al德赢vwin官网登录入口ough good way, but time is also an important factor. So we often go wi德赢vwin官网登录入口 I would not say 德赢vwin官网登录入口e coding recipe 德赢vwin官网登录入口at takes 德赢vwin官网登录入口e less time, but here our intuition plays a major important factor to choose 德赢vwin官网登录入口e correct recipe 德赢vwin官网登录入口at turns out to be efficient.


As a PhD researcher myself, my advice is try not to get too stressed due to lack of time. Often we may have 5 or 10 different 德赢vwin官网登录入口ings to do and we are confused how to tackle. So we need to manage time wi德赢vwin官网登录入口 our intuition and complete our task.

Of course I had lots to share and write about 德赢vwin官网登录入口is topic of time in light of a PhD student, but I want to stop here as my word limit ends almost.