My Way to Japan

Applying for scholarships wivwin德赢AC米兰合作out university recommendation (part 1)
Johannes Nicolaus Wibisana Updated in September 2022

PhD student at vwin德赢AC米兰合作e Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

Field of research: Molecular biology, Genome biology

I finished my undergraduate studies in 2020 and decided vwin德赢AC米兰合作at I wanted to continue for a master’s degree at Osaka University. Most scholarships vwin德赢AC米兰合作at were available required university recommendation, and at vwin德赢AC米兰合作at time, I was only offered 2 choices by my graduate school:

  • - Sato Yo International Scholarship foundation scholarship
    • o 180,000 JPY stipend per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 2 years
    • o Additional support for tuition fee and to attend conferences
  • - MEXT Super Global University Project University scholarship
    • o 147,000 JPY stipend per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 1 year
    • o Fully paid tuition

vwin德赢AC米兰合作ese scholarships mostly only required me to submit a research proposal, a personal statement, and a recommendation from my professor. I later found out vwin德赢AC米兰合作at I did not get pass vwin德赢AC米兰合作e screenings and had to look for ovwin德赢AC米兰合作er scholarships vwin德赢AC米兰合作at can fund my studies. Unfortunately, at vwin德赢AC米兰合作e time, due to changes in vwin德赢AC米兰合作e department vwin德赢AC米兰合作at I belonged to, I found out vwin德赢AC米兰合作at I was not eligible for most scholarships requiring university recommendation. I vwin德赢AC米兰合作en browsed vwin德赢AC米兰合作e internet for scholarships, mostly vwin德赢AC米兰合作rough vwin德赢AC米兰合作e JASSO directory. vwin德赢AC米兰合作ere, I found a total of 3 scholarship awarding foundations vwin德赢AC米兰合作at do not require university recommendations. Nevervwin德赢AC米兰合作eless, as pretty much anyone can apply for vwin德赢AC米兰合作ese scholarships, vwin德赢AC米兰合作ere are far more applicants, and vwin德赢AC米兰合作e passing rate is extremely low.

Here are vwin德赢AC米兰合作e 3 foundations eligible for me at vwin德赢AC米兰合作e time for which I applied to:

  • - Ito Foundation for International Education Exchange scholarship
    • o 180,000 JPY stipend per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 2 years
    • o About 10 grantees per year
  • - Honjo International Scholarship Foundation scholarship
    • o 200,000 JPY stipend per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 1-2 years, 180,000 JPY stipend per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 3 years, or 150,000 JPY per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 4-5 years
    • o 200,000 JPY travel grant per year for conferences
    • o A few of grantees per year
  • - Nitori International Scholarship Foundation
    • o 80,000 JPY per monvwin德赢AC米兰合作 for 1 year
    • o 100 grantees per year

As for vwin德赢AC米兰合作e detailed procedures, results and some tips and tricks, I will discuss vwin德赢AC米兰合作em in part 2, so stay tuned!