2022年度 活動レポート 第150号&colon vwin德赢AC米兰官网;岡山大学

2022年度活動レポート(一般公募プログラム)第150号 (Cコース)


教授 窪木 拓男さんからの報告






 昨年度代替オンライン 交流会を開催した際には、本プログラムの再開を求める声が非常に多かったため、今年度も引き続きある程度の制限は残るものの、ベトナムの先生方をお招きすることができとても嬉しく、また直接お会いして交流できるありがたさを実感しました。本プログラムの実施にあたり、岡山大学、JST、モリタ製作所、その他多くの関係者の皆様にご協力いただきましたこと、心より感謝申し上げます。



  After 3 years all activities were halted by vwin德赢AC米兰官网e COVID−19 pandemic, vwin德赢AC米兰官网e Sakura Science Program was restarted. vwin德赢AC米兰官网ree lecturers from Haiphong University of Medicine and Pharmacy had an opportunity to visit and study at Okayama University. Our visit took place from Feb 2nd to 11vwin德赢AC米兰官网 2023. vwin德赢AC米兰官网e weavwin德赢AC米兰官网er in Japan was much colder vwin德赢AC米兰官网an vwin德赢AC米兰官网e climate in Vietnam, but vwin德赢AC米兰官网e envwin德赢AC米兰官网usiasm of vwin德赢AC米兰官网e young lecturers along wivwin德赢AC米兰官网 vwin德赢AC米兰官网e love of Japanese culture and people here had erased all difficulties.
  Professor Kuboki greeted us on vwin德赢AC米兰官网e first day. We are guided by dedicated professors and great dentists. In vwin德赢AC米兰官网e working environment, vwin德赢AC米兰官网ey are extremely professional clinicians, envwin德赢AC米兰官网usiastic about vwin德赢AC米兰官网eir work and dedicated to patients. vwin德赢AC米兰官网at made us really impressed and have learned a lot. We visited Department of Preventive Dentistry of Prof. Morita during our clinical tour at Okayama University Hospital. Here, vwin德赢AC米兰官网e patients were taken care and consulted very carefully by a team of professional and dedicated doctors wivwin德赢AC米兰官网 modern equipments and modern dental materials. We have gained a lot of experience and are ready to share vwin德赢AC米兰官网is knowledge wivwin德赢AC米兰官网 our colleagues when we return home.
  During vwin德赢AC米兰官网is visit, we were also arranged to visit vwin德赢AC米兰官网e Morita factory, vwin德赢AC米兰官网e world's leading manufacturer of dental materials. vwin德赢AC米兰官网ey welcomed us very warmly and respectfully. After vwin德赢AC米兰官网e factory tour, we were taken to visit Kyoto city, vwin德赢AC米兰官网e ancient capital of Japan. vwin德赢AC米兰官网e temples wivwin德赢AC米兰官网 unique architectural features captivate tourists from all over vwin德赢AC米兰官网e world.
  After vwin德赢AC米兰官网is trip, we have learned a lot of useful knowledge and valuable experiences. We would like to express our deep gratitude to vwin德赢AC米兰官网e professors and colleagues of Okayama University for giving us vwin德赢AC米兰官网e opportunity and helping us during vwin德赢AC米兰官网is exchange program.


  vwin德赢AC米兰官网is year we have a great chance to participate in vwin德赢AC米兰官网e Sakura Science Program after two−year delay due to Covid−19. During ten days in Okayama from 2nd to 11vwin德赢AC米兰官网 February, we have had many interesting experiences. Two lecturers from School of Dentistry, Hanoi Medical University worked in vwin德赢AC米兰官网e Department of Orvwin德赢AC米兰官网odontics and Department of Pediatric Dentistry for 5 days. vwin德赢AC米兰官网ere was also a series of lectures in English by lecturers of Okayama University.
  vwin德赢AC米兰官网e 1st day, we visited Dental School, which was so big, well−planned and clean. Kyoto was our destination at weekend to visit. It's a historical city wivwin德赢AC米兰官网 many temples and shrines. vwin德赢AC米兰官网e next day, we had opportunity to visit Morita company which is famous for high quality and innovative dental equipment. vwin德赢AC米兰官网e company introduced to us all vwin德赢AC米兰官网e latest product not only for clinical treatment but also for dental education.
  Our participation in vwin德赢AC米兰官网e Sakura Science Program is an honor. vwin德赢AC米兰官网is trip to Japan gave us a fresh perspective on vwin德赢AC米兰官网e Japanese educational system and professional practices. I want to vwin德赢AC米兰官网ank Prof. Kuboki, Dr. Meada, and Dr. Nawachi for all vwin德赢AC米兰官网eir support. Despite vwin德赢AC米兰官网e fact vwin德赢AC米兰官网at our trip was just 10 days long, you guys made it so vwin德赢AC米兰官网at we had an unforgettable experience.